Tips for Styling Shelves

Beautifully styled shelves have a high impact on your space. The layouts showcase your home’s treasures, and the decorating technique is flexible, as you can change your interiors around depending on the season or occasion. Here is an inspiration on how to style your shelves like a pro.

Gather the Things You Want to Work With

Consider the things to put on the shelves. It can be what you already have, from favorite books, souvenirs, and art pieces, to plants. It is crucial for an easy grouping of the objects and helps you evaluate colors while mixing up placement.

Mix up sizes, tones and shapes is a good trick to use at this point for that balanced look. However, do not forget to include vibrancy on your shelves. You can use reflective items that enable you to design with light for a soothing effect.

Tips on How to Display Things on the Shelves

You can have the right items, but if you are not careful about how to display them on the shelves, you might not achieve your goal.

For example, if you have many books, not all of them need to get displayed. Also, a bookshelf should not be loaded with books and books alone. You can store some away by customizing the shelves to fit your style and needs. Personalized displays such as Tylko furnitures which can include doors or spaces for baskets that hold things that do not complement your natural theme and pattern. Plus, it is a good trick for maximizing storage. Visit for more amazing ideas.

If you decide on using boxes, arrange them on the lower shelves to make them easily available. Do not forget to decorate the extra storage materials for a cohesive look. Also, when arranging accessories, use an odd number of them because odd numbers are more appealing than even numbers.

Generally, remember that styling shelves are mainly about paying attention to tiny details that greatly impact the end look. Above all, less is more. Leave some spaces between the objects for the shelves to stand out.